Many are living through repetitive ice, snow, wind and overall ugly weather. I am fortunate where I live, we are experiencing a nice winter. Sun shines most everyday, temperatures cool but in the high 30's low 40's.
My son resides in Ohio and when I spoke with him this morning, he told me about the terrible cold, wind and snow he has. As he's telling me this, I'm looking out my window loving the warm, bright sun. I didn't always live in the beautiful part of the country I currently do. I left the Ohio region in March 2006. Do I miss it? Ummmm, NO! I visited my son December of 2012 and as my plane was flying over the city of Cleveland, I looked out the window and couldn't see the city. Low, dark and ugly clouds were what welcomed me home after over six years away. Not much different from when I left years earlier.
I am probably what you called spoiled now. When it does get cold here on the Western Slope of Colorado, I am a baby and whine for the warm weather. Normally it's only cold here in December, than each month following it will get warmer. Until of course in June it gets very hot and tends to remain that way until September. I don't complain about the heat though, because I will cool down in the pool or in air conditioning.
Every city/town has their plus and minus's. My plus about Ohio is that is where my son lives and many of my friends and family. My plus about where I currently live is 350 days of sunshine, warm air, beautiful blue skies, small town and great people. Lots to do here. Mountain biking, long walks along the Colorado River, skiing in the mountains less than an hour away, to name a few.
As you sit reading this and you are in one of the many tundra's around this wonderful country of ours, my hope is you are enjoying either a cup of hot chocolate or a glass of wine. Are you looking out your window at all the beautiful white snowflakes falling?
I am looking out my window at the hot winter sun, enjoying a glass of wine and doing my best to complete my romantic/murder mystery, The SelectMe.com Corpse.
Where ever your day finds you, please keep safe, warm and know that spring is right around the corner, in 53 days!