Sunday, April 27, 2014

Are you a victim or a victor?

Everybody gets to sit and cry; everybody gets to wonder why, everybody gets to feel pain; everybody has days they can't explain.
This sure is an accurate way to describe the human condition isn't it?  Regardless of the level of intensity 'everybody has the blues sometimes' and there's really not a whole lot of choices in the matter.  However, there is a choice everybody does get to make: it's whether or not we're going to live as victims or live as victors over it.

Have you had the chance to read my book:  How to Recognize and Overcome Victim Mentality?
If you haven't I believe it's a must read for most everyone.  Even if you, yourself does not feel like a victim, you may know someone who does. 

For today only, you are able to purchase the kindle edition of How to Recognize and Overcome Victim Mentality on for just .99 cents!  That's right, only ninety-nine pennies!  Tomorrow it will raise in price to $ 1.99, then on Tuesday it's back up to $2.99.  So act today and save $$.

Where ever this Sunday leads you, remember to smile and enjoy!


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter

Although I do not follow the Christian Faith many of my friends and family do.  I wish all who do a Happy Easter!

Did you know:
Easter gets its name from Eoster, a Teutonic spring goddess. It was originally celebrated on the spring equinox when the day is in balance with the night, and so we will again have more light than darkness. It was therefore the perfect time to celebrate the resurrected deity, whether it's Osiris, Mithras, Odin, Persephone, or Jesus Christ.
Everywhere we look there are flowers, chicks, rabbits, and colored eggs! All symbols of new life and fertility and have been part of spring celebrations for thousands of years.
The lily, now thought of more as a symbol of death, was a symbol of life to the ancient Greeks and romans, and they decorated their Spring altars with them. Young men would offer them in the way that men now offer diamond rings.
Where ever this Easter Holiday takes you enjoy!


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday's Poem

Snuggled warm between my sheets
Bright green ear plugs rest in my ears
Across my eyes a red satin mask lies
No, please don't let that be my alarm I hear
bellowing music I do not recognize
A jab into my back;
My husband--alerts me it's time to rise
Eyes still hidden behind a mask
Right hand slowly emerges from beneath the comforter
Quiet once again
But only for a moment
Pings of rain on our metal roof
I lift off my mask
Where is the sunshine that greets me each morning?
Sorry Donna, not today.

I hope you are enjoying National Poetry Month. 
Where ever this Sunday takes you
In the rain, snow, or hopefully sun, make it a great day!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday Poem

Pretty Pink Blossoms
 Blooming on the peach trees
White blossoms on the cherry trees
Peaches, Apricots, Cherries, Apples, Pears
Blue skies, cool nights, sunny warm days
Irrigation water is released into the canals
with cool, clean, crisp water as the snow in
the mountains begins to melt
These are some of the wonderful wonders
nature provides us each spring
on the western slope of Colorado.

I hope each and everyone is enjoying the magnificent sights and scents of springtime as I am.  Where ever this Tuesday leads you, enjoy!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Mondays Poem

The brightness of the sun
shining through my bedroom window
tells me it's time to awaken.
Five more minutes I beg
but to no avail.
Monday's are no fun
I want to stay home and sit in the sun
But hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go.

Where ever your Monday takes you, smile and enjoy the ride.

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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday's Poem

The dark clouds sinisterly approach

Threatening our outdoor picnic

A roar of thunder in the distance

A wind storm erupts

Tree branches bend and swerve

We run for cover

As quick as this tumultuous fury emerged

It alters its course

I love living in the mountains.
Where ever your Saturday leads you, enjoy.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Todays Poem

Mama Robin pulls a juicy, fat worm
from a green grassy lawn.
She flies away, securing it in her beak
where are you going I think.
I will follow her
but not allow her know.
She swiftly goes between tree branches
until she lands into her nest.
I see you way up there I say looking up into the oak tree
your babies squawking for their lunch.
You drop a bit of worm in each waiting beak
before you are once again fly away to search for more.
A mothers work is never done.

Where ever your Friday leads you, enjoy the ride!



Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Poem

To celebrate National Poem Month I am blogging a new poem a day for this month.

The sun is bright
and the birds begin to sing
tulip heads begin to peek their head out
of the dark, cold soil they have hidden in
grass is greener and
all thanks to April showers.

Where ever your day leads you, enjoy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month. Do you now, or have you written poems? As a young child, I believe writing poems was my catalyst for my future of writing short stories, fiction and non-fiction. 
Below is my first poem I wrote for this month.  Everyday I will write a new poem, be sure to visit this site to read a daily poem.

This poem below is how my brain is functioning with the disease Multiple Sclerosis I have been living with for over twenty-eight years.

Scrambled thoughts and ideas
racing through my mind
eyes closed to concentrate
yet only random brain waves
jump to and fro
making no sense at all.
Make this madness go away
I want my memory back, please return.

I hope you visit each day for a new poem.
Where ever this day leads you, follow it and enjoy! Until next time. . .
