Praying Mantis
The praying mantis hardly prays!
By camouflage, it takes its preys;
It hunts insects that fly all days;
A carnivore, it always stays!
Its eyes see well for sixty feet!
It lives on branches green to eat;
Sometimes, its color looks like wheat;
It turns its neck full circle neat.
The female kills the male in sex;
Big ones can eat a frog and vex;
They are not poisonous at all;
They climb quite fast a tree or wall!
Copyright by Dr John Celes 7-27-2008
By camouflage, it takes its preys;
It hunts insects that fly all days;
A carnivore, it always stays!
Its eyes see well for sixty feet!
It lives on branches green to eat;
Sometimes, its color looks like wheat;
It turns its neck full circle neat.
The female kills the male in sex;
Big ones can eat a frog and vex;
They are not poisonous at all;
They climb quite fast a tree or wall!
Copyright by Dr John Celes 7-27-2008
Dr John Celes
Did everyone have a great Saturday? Here in Western Colorado the weather couldn't have been better. 84 degree's today. After I cut the grass and worked in my soon to be vegetable garden, Brett and I enjoyed a nice cold Fat Tire beer. While Brett was working with our Japanese rose bushes, he observed a
recently laid mantis ootheca attached to a branch on the roses. We're excited to see the praying mantis return. Last summer we had several who hung out in our garden. This is the first time in my nearly fifty-three years alive to see this. I'll be anxiously watching this ootheca evolve.
Where ever you find yourself today, please make the best of it.
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