Friday, July 27, 2012

Does This Ever Happen To You? Help!

Upon awaking with whimsy idea's, I immediately proceed to my office, turn on my laptop and instantly distracted. Why I deduce checking my numerous e-mail accounts will only take a few minutes is beyond me! By the time I finish opening, reading, deleting and answering e-mails, roughly an hour of my morning has vanished. Not only has time disappeared in a blink of an eye, so have my ideas I arose with. Now I find myself staring at a blank word document begging for words to dress up it's whitewash appearance. Fingers on the keyboard, ready to move.
Wait for it, wait for it.....nothing!
Thinking if I step away from the computer, creative thoughts will surface, I leave, but only for a few minutes I assure myself. Sidetracked, I find myself outside watering the garden, walking the grounds, taking in natures sonance and aroma's.
Some day's when I find myself queried, my writing for that day is over before it begins. Other days when this happens, I once again discover the truth about myself. I can not be distracted by the Internet if I wish to capture the thoughts which are rushing through my mind.
Solution? I haven't found one, not yet. Any suggestions would certainly be welcomed.

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