Thursday, August 30, 2012

A new take on Toad Stools

Throughout this summer, Brett and I were finding 1 1/2 to 2" "gifts" on our porch every morning. I thought perhaps it was a neighborhood cat, although it was much too small for a cat.
Brett thought a squirrel, but once again, too tiny for that.
We then noticed a couple very large toad sitting on the porch and wondered if by chance it could be a toad-stool!
Being who I am, I had to "google" toad poop and was agape to learn that low-and-behold, it is toad poop!
Our mystery was solved!
The calender claims that summer is quickly disappearing, but the weather here in Western Colorado is proving otherwise. It has been an exceptionally merciless, four months.
Most children are back to school, Labor day is four days away and vacations are winding down. Unfortunately, we are inundated with commercials both on the radio and television with ad campaigns. I'm hearing most people say they can't wait until this election is over, and I agree. For the next three months, our airwaves, newspapers, magazines and Internet will be mopolized!
Solution? I have my mind made up for who I will be voting for come November. The lies and half-truths will not affect me. I'm thankful that I can choose what I read, and my television & radio remotes have a MUTE button!
Where ever this Thursday leads you, make the best of it and keep your remote close by.

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