Sunday, August 24, 2014

This is our first Words & Wine affair and I am proud to share my words with not only the members of our Palisade Writers Group, but also the world.  Our writers group consist of the novice, to published authors. We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month at our local library from 3:00-5:00.  I organized and created the Palisade Writers Group in April 2012.  At our first meeting, I believe there were three of us.  Two years later, we have a solid 10-12 regulars and 3-5 who visit periodically. One of our writers is from Finland.  She lives six months overseas and six months here in Palisade.  She provides the group with her vibrancy and strong critiquing character.  Our writers group consists of people with diverse backgrounds. From ex- English teachers and a Former ESL Instructor at Amideast/Oman & Freelance writer to a wonderful, older woman originally from Gloucester County, PA, who shares with us her stories of growing up in the 1920's. Another of our writers resides in a Yurt, here in Mesa County Colorado. She brings us wonderful true stories of  not only her love of horses but her adventures with them. Another of our members is also an avid horse and animal lover. She brings us comical, fun stories. She also has created Mary's Cranky Feeder.  
She also produces wonderful grooming aids for dogs and horses. All naturally made in Palisade, Colorado. They can even be used on people, but they are not yet approved by FDA
Our group has several published authors, including myself.  Some of the books these authors have published are:
R. Allen Chappell books published are:
The Fat of the Land
Navajo Autumn- Navajo Nation Mystery Book 1
Boy Made of Dawn- Navajo Nation Mystery Book 2
Ancient Blood- Navajo Nation Mystery Book 3
Vickie Knob aka Bess Peyton, Peyton Holder Books published are:
The #1 Little Secret to Getting Fit that Trainers Don't Want You to Know
Another #1 Little Secret That Diet Gurus Don't Want You to Know
Cold Gray Dawn
Donna Lively aka Summer Thyme Reign books published are:
PickMe.Com Corpse
How To Recognize and Overcome Victim Mentality - Book 1
How To Recognize and Overcome Anger Issues- Book 2
Gramiah's Special Salsa- Children's book
Do Catfish Meow?- Children's book
Miah Moo Who? The Magical Mishaps of Fairy Miah Moo- Children's book
Reality- A book about my personal journey of 28 years with Multiple Sclerosis
Some of our members not listed above, have articles published in magazines and are currently working at self-publishing their stories.
Please be sure to check out everyone's books and business adventures I have mentioned in this blog. You won't be disappointed.
Where ever this Sunday takes you, make it a great and safe trip.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Always Count Your Blessings

One never knows when our time is up on this planet.  This is why I feel it is so important to Count Your Blessings! 
We don't know what life has in store for us.  At any given moment we may be breathing our last breath.  I have a strong belief that when it's your time to leave this earth plane, no matter where you are or what you are doing, your soul will depart from your earth bound body.  But the same is true when it's NOT your time.  No matter what tragedy happens to you, if it's not time for you to depart, you will survive.  We will wonder how we were able to live through what we thought was the last page in our book of life.  I feel it a blessing to accept, grow from and be thankful you are given a second chance in life to shine.
Please give the ones you love an extra hug for me today.  We never know if that hug will be our last.

Where ever your Saturday, August 2nd leads you, please be grateful and thankful you are living and breathing.  Always remember, No matter how bad you have it, there is always someone else who has it worst.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I'm happy to announce....

I have released two new books.  The first is a murder mystery I named, PickMe.Com Corpse.  Here is a bit about it's contents:

Meet Faith. A naïve, recently divorced, childless, woman not always a lady. She is the Owner/President of a cosmetic company in Cleveland, Ohio. Although Faith chose to end twenty-three year marriage, she finds herself living on her own for the first time in her life. Meeting and dating has changed since she married many years earlier, at the age of twenty. Thrown into a new world of the internet, she begins to dabble in the universe of on-line dating. She begins to meet and date a multitude of different men. From an art enthusiast, married men, vampire want-to-be's, a 15 year her junior Adonis, stalker and Connecticut thug. Her ex-husband Thomas, soon after their divorce begins to date her friend, Nancy. Faking a pregnancy, she gets the vulnerable Thomas to marry her. Nancy always wanted the life Faith had, she has it now but is that enough? Dave,a quick to the finish line in bed. Gary, a blue collar, loner, grape soda drinker freak. Andy, a neighbor who wants more than neighborly friendship. Steve, a two-time married sky-blue eyes, sexual, late 1960's Cleveland Indians minor league pitcher. Tony, a womanizing man who cheats on his wife, and will not be played as a fool without major repercussions. Brian, a guy who doesn't know the meaning of NO! Corpse offers murder, mystery, lies along with just enough sex to make you squirm.

My second book is also the 2nd in the series: How To Recognize and Overcome... As you recall, the first book in this series is How to Recognize and Overcome Victim Mentality.  This book has been very successful for me.  The new 2nd book in this series is:  How to Recognize and Overcome Anger Issues.  The 3rd book in series I am currently working on will be, How to Recognize and Overcome Codependency and Enabling.  Here is a bit about How to Recognize and Overcome Anger Issues:

Almost every time we get angry, it’s because something isn’t going our way. Perhaps the anger is purely because of selfishness.
We all know what anger is, and everyone has felt it. It can be as simple as a fleeting annoyance or a full-fledged rage.
Like other emotions, it is accompanied by physiological and biological changes. When you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of your energy hormones, adrenaline.
Rather acting on that impulse, just watch it. Become an observer. When you do that, you put some space between yourself and your angry impulses, and in that little space, you have room to decide. How will you respond? What’s going on here? Why are you so angry about something so unimportant? What fantasy/ideal are you holding onto that you didn’t get, and that’s making you angry?

Both of these books as well as other's I've written are available in both paperback and kindle formats.  They are available at or

Where ever this day leads you, learn, listen and make it great!


Sunday, May 25, 2014





1. a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
2. the state or feeling of being proud.
3. a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.
4. pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself: civic pride. 
5. something that causes a person or persons to be proud: His art collection was the pride of the family.
Last evening, my husband and I were talking about the lack of pride we notice in many individuals work.  When we grew up in a burbs, south of Cleveland, Ohio, pride was exhibited around every corner.  Coming up on my 55th birthday next month and my husband closing in on 56, we both have witnessed numerous generations.  When did individuals stop exhibiting pride in their work?  I may have blinked and missed that memo. 
Pride.  A short word with a large definition.  When was the last time you were proud of yourself, your actions, your work or even a friend or family member? 
As a nation, every American should take pride in our armed forces.  These women and men put their lives on the line everyday, for us.  Although each living being, has their personal viewpoints on the state of our great nation, we should all be united and say a prayer for every man or woman who have given their lives for our freedom.  Take pride in your country. 
Memorial day isn't about hot dogs, barbeque's, beer, partying or the beginning of the summer season, it's about Remembering and honoring our fallen solders who sacrificed their lives for us.
Please take a moment and remember.
Happy Memorial Day 2014.


Friday, May 16, 2014

Your Help is Needed

It is said, "Karma's a Bitch," but what does that mean to you?  I believe everyone has a karma story and I am in search of yours. 

What is Karma? According to Wikipedia, the definition is as follows:

Karma is the universal principle of cause and effect. Our actions, both good and bad, come back to us in the future, helping us to learn from life’s lessons and become better people. In religions that include reincarnation, karma extends through one's present life and all past and future lives as well.
Karma is basically energy. One person throws out energy through thoughts, words and actions, and it comes back, in time, through other people. Karma is the best teacher, forcing people to face the consequences of their actions and thus improve and refine their behavior, or suffer if they do not. Even harsh karma, when faced in wisdom, can be the greatest spark for spiritual growth. The conquest of karma lies in intelligent action and unemotional response.

Examples of karma[change | change source]

The process of action and reaction on all levels—physical, mental and spiritual—is karma. One must pay attention to thoughts, because thought can make karmas—good, bad and mixed.[1]
“I say kind words to you, and you feel peaceful and happy. I say harsh words to you, and you become ruffled and upset. The kindness and the harshness will return to me, through others, at a later time. Finally, what I give is what I get back.”
“An architect thinks creative, productive thoughts while drawing plans for a new building. But were he to think destructive, unproductive thoughts, he would soon not be able to accomplish any kind of positive task even if he desired to do so.”

Karma in Hinduism[change | change source]

Hindus look at time as a circle, as things cycle around again. Karma is a very just law which, like gravity, treats everyone the same. The law of karma puts man at the center of responsibility for everything he does and everything that is done to him. Understanding the way karma works, Hindus try to live a virtuous life. This is called dharma.
There are three types of karma in Hinduism:
  1. sanchita karma, the sum total of past karmas yet to be resolved;
  2. prarabdha karma, that portion of sanchita karma that is to be experienced in this life; and
  3. kriyamana karma, the karma that humans are currently creating, which will bear fruit in future.

The role of divine forces[change | change source]

Karma is considered one of the natural laws of the mind, just as gravity is a law of matter. Just as God created gravity to bring order to the physical world, He created karma as a divine system of justice that is self-governing and infinitely fair. It automatically creates the appropriate future experience in response to the current action.
Several different views exist in Hinduism regarding the role of divine beings. In Hinduism, many see the deities or devas as playing some kind of role. Other Hindus, such as the Mimamsakas, reject such notions and see karma as acting independently, considering the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of karma.[2][3][4]
Some interpretations of the Bhagavad Gita[5] suggest an intermediate view, that karma is a law of cause and effect yet God can mitigate karma for His devotees. It is said in Bhagavad Gita that only the karma that is done with a sense of doership and with attachment to the karma could cause good or bad reactions. Karma that is done with an attitude of duty and without attachment to the results will not create any effect and will move one closer to God.
Another view holds that a Satguru, acting on God's behalf, can mitigate or work out some of the karma of the disciple.[6][7][8]

Do you have a Karma story you would like to share?  I am in the process of writing a book about this subject and individuals experience and if we recognize it as karma.
If you know or yourself have a story to share with me about this subject, and wish for your story to be in my book, please send me an email to:  I will contact you about your story, via email.

Everyone have experienced karma.  Think back on your life and pull forward these memories. 
I'll share one experience:
When my first husband and I were getting married, we requested an ADULT only reception.  Many reasons went into this decision.  Regardless, this is what we had written on our RSVP's.  One family member who had three young children did not understand our reasons why we chose this.  The family along with the children celebrated our ceremony at our Catholic church with us, but decided not to celebrate our reception with us due to the fact their young children were not invited.
After all was said and done and my new husband and I opened the wedding gifts, inside their envelope was 3, $1.00 bills.  One from each of their small children.  Did we get it? Sure we did, but since my father and mother paid for our wedding (and they have 5 other daughters to eventually pay for weddings for) I respected my parents generosity and we did not have children attend our reception.
Years, and I am saying many years later, the daughter of this particular family who gifted us $3.00, was planning her wedding.  To our surprise, when we received the invitation to celebrate their day with them, on the RSVP card was ADULT RECETION ONLY!  Hmmm, now that they had to fork out the funds to pay for their only daughters wedding things changed.  I label it as KARMA.  What goes around, comes around.

Please send me your stories about Karma in your life. 
I'm anxious to hear your stories.


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mothers Day

What does Mothers Day mean to you?  I am a mother of two adult children; daughter and son, and step-mother to two adult sons.  I grew up with five siblings.  I am the third of six girls.  My mother and I, as I recall, have never been close.  When I say close, I don't mean distance close, I mean emotionally close.  Was it my doing or hers?  That I'm not sure about.  Within this past year, I've discovered , though one of my sisters, my mother has disowned me and has taken me out of her will.  Why one asks?  Because I wrote a book and she did not like how I depicted her in it.  Does this upset me?  Honestly I have to answer, no. 

Not every mother is a June Cleaver and this is true of mine.  With six daughters, the first four, all a year- and- a- half apart in age, life must have been crazy busy for her.  The fifth arrived five years after number four and the sixth, a year and a half after number five.

By the time I married the first time, at age nineteen, my two younger sisters, (7 & 9 years younger than myself) were still quite young.  I feel as though us four older ones were mom and dad's practice children.  When five and six arrived, our parents become more relaxed.  Relaxed both in discipline and life itself. 

My mom celebrated her 78th birthday last month.  I sent her a birthday card along with copies of my current books I've written.  Due to her disowning me, I never heard a word or thank you from her.  Perhaps she threw the books away.  My hope is she donated them. 

With Mothers Day a few days away, I've grown to realize that a mother isn't your mother only because she gave birth to you.  A mother loves her children unconditionally.  No one is perfect and should not be taught you must be perfect to be loved. 

I love my children unconditionally.  It has not always been comfortable.  My daughter and son are five years apart in age.  Daughter older.  I did the best with what knowledge I had  to raise them to be honest, respectful, hard-working and loving children.  Have they always made me proud?  I will say no, but that does not mean I love them any less. 

A true mother loves her children whether her children grow to be a president of a successful company or an artist who sees life differently than herself.  Mothers should not judge their children's individual assets  or faults.  A mother should welcome her children's quirks, not judge them.

Believe me when I say, times have not always been easy with my kids.  Hence why I have to dye my hair to cover the greys they've given me.  But regardless, I love them more than life itself.  I may not see them daily, weekly or at times yearly, but my children know I am always there for them no matter what. 

On this Mothers day, I want to with my dear friend, Jane Herman a wonderful, unforgettable Mothers Day.  She is closer to me than my birth mother has ever been to me. 

Thank you Jane for accepting me for me, loving me for who I am, and not judging me.

Have a wonderful day!  I love you!



Sunday, April 27, 2014

Are you a victim or a victor?

Everybody gets to sit and cry; everybody gets to wonder why, everybody gets to feel pain; everybody has days they can't explain.
This sure is an accurate way to describe the human condition isn't it?  Regardless of the level of intensity 'everybody has the blues sometimes' and there's really not a whole lot of choices in the matter.  However, there is a choice everybody does get to make: it's whether or not we're going to live as victims or live as victors over it.

Have you had the chance to read my book:  How to Recognize and Overcome Victim Mentality?
If you haven't I believe it's a must read for most everyone.  Even if you, yourself does not feel like a victim, you may know someone who does. 

For today only, you are able to purchase the kindle edition of How to Recognize and Overcome Victim Mentality on for just .99 cents!  That's right, only ninety-nine pennies!  Tomorrow it will raise in price to $ 1.99, then on Tuesday it's back up to $2.99.  So act today and save $$.

Where ever this Sunday leads you, remember to smile and enjoy!


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter

Although I do not follow the Christian Faith many of my friends and family do.  I wish all who do a Happy Easter!

Did you know:
Easter gets its name from Eoster, a Teutonic spring goddess. It was originally celebrated on the spring equinox when the day is in balance with the night, and so we will again have more light than darkness. It was therefore the perfect time to celebrate the resurrected deity, whether it's Osiris, Mithras, Odin, Persephone, or Jesus Christ.
Everywhere we look there are flowers, chicks, rabbits, and colored eggs! All symbols of new life and fertility and have been part of spring celebrations for thousands of years.
The lily, now thought of more as a symbol of death, was a symbol of life to the ancient Greeks and romans, and they decorated their Spring altars with them. Young men would offer them in the way that men now offer diamond rings.
Where ever this Easter Holiday takes you enjoy!


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday's Poem

Snuggled warm between my sheets
Bright green ear plugs rest in my ears
Across my eyes a red satin mask lies
No, please don't let that be my alarm I hear
bellowing music I do not recognize
A jab into my back;
My husband--alerts me it's time to rise
Eyes still hidden behind a mask
Right hand slowly emerges from beneath the comforter
Quiet once again
But only for a moment
Pings of rain on our metal roof
I lift off my mask
Where is the sunshine that greets me each morning?
Sorry Donna, not today.

I hope you are enjoying National Poetry Month. 
Where ever this Sunday takes you
In the rain, snow, or hopefully sun, make it a great day!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday Poem

Pretty Pink Blossoms
 Blooming on the peach trees
White blossoms on the cherry trees
Peaches, Apricots, Cherries, Apples, Pears
Blue skies, cool nights, sunny warm days
Irrigation water is released into the canals
with cool, clean, crisp water as the snow in
the mountains begins to melt
These are some of the wonderful wonders
nature provides us each spring
on the western slope of Colorado.

I hope each and everyone is enjoying the magnificent sights and scents of springtime as I am.  Where ever this Tuesday leads you, enjoy!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Mondays Poem

The brightness of the sun
shining through my bedroom window
tells me it's time to awaken.
Five more minutes I beg
but to no avail.
Monday's are no fun
I want to stay home and sit in the sun
But hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go.

Where ever your Monday takes you, smile and enjoy the ride.

Product Details

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday's Poem

The dark clouds sinisterly approach

Threatening our outdoor picnic

A roar of thunder in the distance

A wind storm erupts

Tree branches bend and swerve

We run for cover

As quick as this tumultuous fury emerged

It alters its course

I love living in the mountains.
Where ever your Saturday leads you, enjoy.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Todays Poem

Mama Robin pulls a juicy, fat worm
from a green grassy lawn.
She flies away, securing it in her beak
where are you going I think.
I will follow her
but not allow her know.
She swiftly goes between tree branches
until she lands into her nest.
I see you way up there I say looking up into the oak tree
your babies squawking for their lunch.
You drop a bit of worm in each waiting beak
before you are once again fly away to search for more.
A mothers work is never done.

Where ever your Friday leads you, enjoy the ride!



Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Poem

To celebrate National Poem Month I am blogging a new poem a day for this month.

The sun is bright
and the birds begin to sing
tulip heads begin to peek their head out
of the dark, cold soil they have hidden in
grass is greener and
all thanks to April showers.

Where ever your day leads you, enjoy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month. Do you now, or have you written poems? As a young child, I believe writing poems was my catalyst for my future of writing short stories, fiction and non-fiction. 
Below is my first poem I wrote for this month.  Everyday I will write a new poem, be sure to visit this site to read a daily poem.

This poem below is how my brain is functioning with the disease Multiple Sclerosis I have been living with for over twenty-eight years.

Scrambled thoughts and ideas
racing through my mind
eyes closed to concentrate
yet only random brain waves
jump to and fro
making no sense at all.
Make this madness go away
I want my memory back, please return.

I hope you visit each day for a new poem.
Where ever this day leads you, follow it and enjoy! Until next time. . .



Saturday, March 29, 2014

Donna Lively: The SelectMe.Com Corpse--- Released!

Donna Lively: The SelectMe.Com Corpse--- Released!: You heard right! The SelectMe.Com Corpse is now available in both paperback and kindle editions, through Be sure to visit: ht...

The SelectMe.Com Corpse--- Released!

You heard right!
The SelectMe.Com Corpse is now available in both paperback and kindle editions, through

Be sure to visit:  to sign up to win a free paperback edition.

 The SelectMe.Com Corpse:

Meet Faith. A naïve, recently divorced, childless, woman not always a lady. She is the Owner/President of a cosmetic company in Cleveland, Ohio. Although Faith chose to end twenty-three year marriage, she finds herself living on her own for the first time in her life. Meeting and dating has changed since she married many years earlier, at the age of twenty.
Thrown into a new world of the internet, she begins to dabble in the universe of on-line dating.
She begins to meet and date a multitude of different men. From an art enthusiast, married men, vampire want-to-be's, a 15 year her junior Adonis, stalker and Connecticut thug.

Her ex-husband Thomas, soon after their divorce begins to date her friend, Nancy. Faking a pregnancy, she gets the vulnerable Thomas to marry her. Nancy always wanted the life Faith had, she has it now but is that enough?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Using Prescription Drugs to Heal?

Friends and family who know me, know I was diagnosed  with Multiple Sclerosis in 1993.  But tests show that I have been suffering from this disease years before then, as far back as 1986.  This upcoming May, makes it 28 years.  I was first diagnosed with readmitting, reoccurring MS.  I feel I am doing quite well for all these years.
As of recent, I have been experiencing new issues related to this disease.  The most difficult one is my legs giving out on me causing me to fall.  In all these years, I have only been on medications twice.  The first was called Beta Seron and that drug had a negative effect on my body as a whole.  This was back in the year 1993 when I took an injection every-other-day for five months.  Within in these five months, I became a Jekyll and Hyde.  After thoughts of suicide and my threat to kill my doctor, he took me off this drug.
I have always had the understanding that the body may heal itself if given the correct diet, exercise and positive attitude.  After I was taken off that first drug, I threw myself into learning about eating properly, supplementing my diet with vitamins and herbs and lastly, living a positive, upbeat life. 
This lifestyle worked from 1994 until 2005.  After my hectic work schedule I was living with at this time, I came down with my first exasperation of the Multiple Sclerosis.  I lost my vision, had trouble walking and thinking.  After therapy with steroids, I recovered and carried on in my life, but not before my neurologist at the Mellen Center part of the Cleveland Clinic started me on a daily injection of the drug Copaxone.  I have had no problems with this drug.
In 2006, I made a major change in my personal life by moving across country to California to begin a new life.  I landed a great employment opportunity while there and loved living and working in Northern California as a Wine Tasting Room Manager. I quit the daily injections of Copaxone after I lost my hospitalization insurance coverage.  Once again, I was back to taking my supplements and herbs, eating healthy and exercising.
Later that year, I met up with my now husband, a man a knew since the 7th grade.  I moved to Colorado, married and continued a great life.  Still at this time, I was not taking any prescription drugs for my MS.  I did have a slight exasperation in 2007, both legs became numb, but I was still able to walk and work every day.
Since then, my husband  and I moved from the Rocky Mountains to the Western Slope of Colorado.  I became hooked up with the MS Society in 2009 when I participated in the annual Multiple Sclerosis walk.  They helped me hook up with a great neurologist here in my area.  He in turn once again began the treatment of Copaxone, a daily injection in 2012. No adverse reactions once again.
In January 2014 I underwent another MRI to see how much if any changes would show up in this MRI since the one in 2012.  I saw my neurologist last week and he informed me there are no more new legions only that several of my legions have grown in size. (he didn't share how big).  He told me he is changing my medication from Copaxone to Gilenya.  At first I thought this would be great because this new medication is in pill form, no more daily injections.  This was until I began to read the side effects and other MS patients experiences with this drug.  Here a just a few:
Before starting gilenya your doctor will do medical/laboratory tests (such as complete blood count, blood pressure, EKG, pulse) to monitor for side effects. Take this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually once a day. You will be monitored for at least 6 hours after the first dose to make sure your heartbeat does not go too slow. A very slow heartbeat increases the risk for a serious heart rhythm problem (QT prolongation in the EKG). Tell your doctor if you have low levels of magnesium/potassium in the blood, personal or family history of QT prolongation in the EKG, family history of sudden cardiac death, or heart failure. Also tell your doctor if you are taking other drugs that can slow down your heartbeat or affect heart rhythm (such as causing QT prolongation in the EKG). See also Drug Interactions section.
Gilenya oral Side Effects
Cough, headache, back pain, or diarrhea may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.This medication can affect your immune system's ability to fight an infection while you are taking the medication and for 2 months after your last dose. You may be more likely to get a serious infection (such as bronchitis, pneumonia). Tell your doctor right away if you develop any signs of an infection such as persistent cough/sore throat, difficulty breathing, fever/chills, or cold/flu symptoms. Do not start gilenya if you have a current infection.Get medical help right away if you have any very serious side effects, including: shortness of breath, chest pain, severe dizziness/fainting, slow/irregular/fast heartbeat, unusual tiredness/weakness, eye pain/sensitivity to light, vision changes (such as blurred vision, blind spot/shadows in the center of your vision, color changes), clumsiness, sudden change in your thinking (such as confusion, difficulty concentrating, memory loss), difficulty moving muscles, seizure, problems with speech.This medication may rarely cause serious liver problems. Tell your doctor right away if you experience: yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine, stomach/abdominal pain, persistent nausea.A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing.This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

Comment: I have been on Gilenya for 2 years and I felt it was working well until I ended up with cancer in my spine and lung. Not knowing if the cancer is Gilenya related my Neuro took me off the drug. After the cancer treatment is over I do plan on starting Gilenya again as my main M.S. treatment.
Comment: Super easy pill! However I developed shortness of breath when on drug. Started about one to two months afternoon drug. Dr did not relate shortness of breath to expiration/ asthma type problems until after a year of miscellaneous tests. MRIs have been well and drug appears to work. Package is difficult to open if you have hand difficulties
Comment:My husband took Gilenya from November 2011 until December 26, 2012. He began having severe depression, anger issues, confusion, loss of memory. He also passed out in September 2012 while pumping gas. After the issues became so severe in December 2012, they were discussed with his neurologist. Upon the neurologist searching his own patient files, several other Gilenya patients of his were having the same problems. Husband has regained his sense of humor but memory and confusion still linger. I would be very wary of taking Gilenya. He has had MS since 1977 and has tried many other MS treatments for relapsing MS but MS has really progressed in the last 5 years.
These are just three reviews I found on WebMD, there are many others.
As you may know, I don’t see any of the current MS drugs as having much long term value although there is no denying they all have some anti-inflammatory effect. The bottom line is there is absolutely no solid evidence that any of the drugs have any positive effect on the long term progression of MS and the evidence we do have indicates that at the very best any long term positive effect they may have has to be very minor. The drugs may have a placebo effect in that many people actually believe that  the drugs have established value for slowing long term progression (they don’t).

So it all comes down to the harmful side effects of the drugs and Gilenya has a few nasty ones. Only I can decide if you want to risk those side effects on the very long shot chance the drug actually has some long term value for MS.
Regardless to say, I am not going to take this new drug, I feel there is not enough evidence this will even work for me, and I am not going to be the guinea pig for a drug only out for three years.  I am back to healthy eating, supplements, medicinal marijuana lozenges at bed time for spasticity and sleep problems.  
I have also ordered this book and it should arrive later this week:
The Wahls Protocol.  Check it out on
My question to you is, do you believe proper diet as well as exercise and supplements heal?  Modern Medicine does not heal rather it masks the problems and symptoms.