Thursday, May 17, 2012

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” – Wayne Dyer

You are responsible for how you feel. You can blame external things if you want to, but it will never change how things are. It is only when you accept your own responsibility that you can take action.

Every human has great days, not so great days, bad day's and horrific days. I wish life was a fairy tale. Reality is that we all have day's that suck! It's how you respond to situations you personally consider bad which matters.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you should be feeling sad and depressed and you begin to laugh? Life is what you make it and how you deal with it.
Years ago, I learned to deal with uneasy occurrences in my life, like water off a duck back. Learn to take life not so seriously. No matter what happens today, the sun will rise tomorrow.
When you were a child, you should have learned responsibility. As adults we all have responsibility, and once we accept our own responsibility we can begin to take action to adjust or change where our lives are heading.
Although we all have responsibility in our lives, we should as the cliche says, stop and smell the roses!
The older I grow, the more I learn to live. I'm on the downhill side of  life, and everyday should be positive, uplifting and fun. I've chosen to create my life to be just that!
Take a minute to reflect on your day and ask yourself: are you enjoying life and the individuals around you? If not, begin accepting responsibility and take action!
Where ever your Thursday is leading you, stop, smell the roses, and smile.

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