Sunday, May 27, 2012

Please remember what Memorial Day is really about....

These heroes are dead. They died for liberty - they died for us. They are at rest. They sleep in the land they made free, under the flag they rendered stainless, under the solemn pines, the sad hemlocks, the tearful willows, and the embracing vines. They sleep beneath the shadows of the clouds, careless alike of sunshine or of storm, each in the windowless Place of Rest. Earth may run red with other wars - they are at peace. In the midst of battle, in the roar of conflict, they found the serenity of death. I have one sentiment for soldiers living and dead: cheers for the living; tears for the dead. ~Robert G. Ingersoll

Happy Memorial Day weekend. I hope you are enjoying this holiday weekend.
I worked at the Meadery on Saturday and were quite busy. Even though the winds were blowing between 50-60 miles an hour all day, and the valley looked like a giant brown colored, baby powder bottle was being shaken all day, our guests were having a great time. May were on bikes enjoying the wine route for bicyclists.
Here in the Grand Valley, we get occasional wind storms which stir up all the dust from the surrounding mountains. Saturday was the third day in a row this wind has been blowing. Enough is enough! I'm hoping Sunday will fair better.
Where ever this Memorial weekend leads you, please remember what this weekend is really about. We should all thank a veteran for giving us our freedom, and remember those who gave their lives so we can enjoy the freedoms we have.

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