Friday, May 18, 2012

A wonderful sight crossed my path

As I waited for Karen, the librarian at my local library to emerge from the washroom where she was having a coughing fit, I encountered what I consider hope.
Crossing my path, resting a clipboard on their left arms, holding a pencil with their little right fingers, busy writing, were six preschoolers who shared with me they were on a mission!
"What mission?" I curiously asked.
"A noun mission," the six bellowed at once.
Good-byes were exchanged and like duckings following their mother, they proceeded to the front door led by their teacher.
Karen explained that this group was from a nearby preschool and after completing their first mission which was to learn about nouns, (which Karen taught them,) their next mission was to visit the different establishments in our small downtown, and search for nouns.
As a avid reader since childhood, and writer, this brings me hope. Hope that more youngsters learn not only how to read and write properly, but enjoy it and pursue writing careers.
I could only wish the remainder of my Friday was as pleasant as my morning.
After arriving home, I decided to put a load of laundry into the washer, and just like that, the day's energy switched. The washer decided that it would fill itself, and stop and not follow through with it's commitment to clean my clothes.
My husband I soon left to run errands and on the way stopped and purchased a new washer. All good you would think, only it wasn't. After driving to three different stores in search of five skeins of yarn I need to knit a baby blanket, and having no luck, I came home and ordered it on line.
Silly me, decided to try the washer one last time before I would begin bailing the water out of the broken washer, and low and behold, it started! Thankful to be able to finish that load, I tried my luck at another one, and bingo, it's working again. After discussing the options, Brett and I decided to continue using this one until the new one arrives sometime next week, because we all know about Murphys' law!
I hope you had a wonderful Friday and where ever your Saturday takes you, go with the punches and find time to smile!

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