Thursday, August 15, 2013

Donna Lively: I'm often asked. . .

Donna Lively: I'm often asked. . .: Not all monsters are ugly.   Every murder has a victim—every victim has a story, this is my story.          My apartment complex was ...

I'm often asked. . .

Not all monsters are ugly.  Every murder has a victim—every victim has a story, this is my story.

         My apartment complex was two up two down.  I was in 2B. I never liked my neighbors, but the rent was affordable.

            Saturday, August 20th. 2012, 1:30 p.m.  It was hot in the city, hot and so humid the air was not only sticky but almost dripping.  It rained every evening for a week, and everything is molding, including the clothes you’re wearing, typical for August in Cleveland.
What you read is the beginning of my upcoming novel, "Hunt Club Corpse."  I'm often asked, "Where do you get your idea's?" 
My answer is simple: If you are living and breathing, you have a story in you.  At my current age of fifty-four, my life has been filled with stories and story ideas, like you.
Remember that time? When I'm asked this question from a sibling, friend, parent, my children, granddaughter or co-worker, the memory in question can and many times will trigger a future story. You will see a pen or pencil in my hand jotting down bits and pieces to bring a distant memory alive in a new way.  It may be used or not in the future, but I do have these remembrance's in an index box labeled simply: Box of Memories.
On my nightstand is a tablet and pen for those thoughts and dreams which come in my sleep and I'll awake and write them down, or when I can't sleep and my mind is racing with ideas. 
Does this happen to you or am I the only one? 
Everywhere you go, an idea will present itself.  The farmers market, grocery store, library, children playing in the park, the quietness of a lake, the mountains in the distance, or in my case, in my back yard.  Stop reading and look around you right now?  What do you see? Choose one object you see and write a paragraph about it.
Looking out at the mid-August blue sky, a hummingbird stopped to quench it's thirst on the red strawberry shaped bird feeder hanging out my window.  Where are you coming from and where is your destination I ponder.  Did you lap sweet nectar on my vibrant pink fuchsia on the far side of the barn before visiting this feeder? 
What ever crosses your path today, ask yourself this: Is what I'm seeing or what I just heard from that lady yelling at the clerk in front of me in the grocery line, a future story?  Listen and observe.  Bring your head out of the sand,look, listen and write.
What ever you do or where ever you visit today, make it the best.  I guarantee when you begin to observe and hear your personal surroundings you will find an idea to base a story around or use in a story.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 2013 has arrived!

August 2013 is here.  Another month, where have the last seven months gone to?  I've always heard, when you get older, time flies much quicker.  I now understand that.  Children in our area will be back to school mid-month, I know of some kids who began school a couple of weeks ago. 
I am showing my age here, but when I was in school, it was standard to begin school after Labor Day, and end school the second week of June.  Winter break was two weeks, Easter break we received a week off and Good Friday off of school.  Summer break three months 
Although back then, there were more, one member of the household working outside the home, and many more stay-home moms.  My mom was lucky, (or unlucky) enough to fall into the stay-at-home mom.  With six daughters to raise, she had her work cut out for her. 
Was it easier back in those days to have only the father of the house as the breadwinner than today?  Some may think yes, others adamantly would say NO. 
I myself had the luxury to stay home and raise my two children.  I liked working outside the home before children, but because both my husband and I were raised by stay-at-home moms, my husband at the time thought it best I remain home and raise our children. 
Were my children "better" because of the attention and care they received by a non-working mom?  I don't think so.  As adults, are our children more well-rounded because they came home from school to a clean home, a balanced dinner, and a caring mom?
I honestly have to say no. 
As parents, we do the best we can, and even our best isn't always the best. 
If I were to look back, (which I don't like to do), and believe I was doing a great job of raising my two children, I would have to laugh.  My children were taught right from wrong, say NO to drugs, respect, financial importance, and morals.
I have learned now that a lot of what their dad and I instilled in them, was thrown to the way-side once they became adults and on their own.  I had to face something I always believed and thought everyone has their own path in life to follow.  I had to release "my" beliefs of how my children should handle situations, peer pressure.  My SHOULDS do not fit into their lives, nor should they. 
We all have individual thoughts, beliefs, standards and our own paths to follow.  No one, mainly including myself should judge others.  I had to learn to give up my thoughts and beliefs of how my now grown children should run their lives and let them walk their own path.  Mistakes are not mistakes if you learn from them; I view errors one make in life not as mistakes, but learning and growing experiences. 
Yes, my children do not do things as I believe they should, or I myself would, but that is what makes us all individuals. 
Next time you view or experience a loved one, or even a stranger doing something totally differently from how you would, remember, THEY ARE ON THEIR PATH IN LIFE, NOT YOURS.  DO NOT JUDGE, RATHER ACCEPT, LOVE AND KNOW THEY WILL MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES FOR THEMSELVES.

Where ever this new month leads you, do your best to view loved ones, strangers you meet or see on your journey as individuals on their personal path in life, and there is a reason they crossed you on your path, even if it's only for a moment.