Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ocober Poem

October by Hilaire Belloc

Look, how those steep woods on the mountain's face
Burn, burn against the sunset; now the cold
Invades our very noon: the year's grown old,
Mornings are dark, and evenings come apace.
The vines below have lost their purple grace,
And in Forreze the white wrack backward rolled,
Hangs to the hills tempestuous, fold on fold,
And moaning gusts make desolate all the place.

Mine host the month, at thy good hostelry,
Tired limbs I'll stretch and steaming beast I'll tether;
Pile on great logs with Gascon hand and free,
And pour the Gascon stuff that laughs at weather;
Swell your tough lungs, north wind, no whit care we,
Singing old songs and drinking wine together.
What a beautiful Poem. October is almost over, where has it gone? My garden is dismantled, irrigation water shut off until Spring. I picked the remainder of the tomato's this past weekend, and canned six pints of salsa. I thanked the garden as I pulled the tomato plants from the earth. Thanked it for providing my family wonderful, fresh vegetables.
Are you going trick or treating tomorrow eve? Are you aware the idea of "Trick or Treat" stems from the old custom of poor persons going to rich neighbors' homes and begging for a "soul cake" on All Souls Eve?
"October, winsome girl, you toss your shining head, And show the world your brilliant frocks of russet, gold, and red...."
Where ever this day leads you, enjoy the ride!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Are you as tired as I am about.....

All the political phone calls and commercials? I know I am. Raise your hand if you want this political race to end. My hand is up.
After working ten hours at my day job, I look forward to walking through my door at home, pour myself a glass of vino, and relax. Then it begins, phone call after phone call, all political. My friends and family know not to call after 8:00 pm, and when our phone rang at 9:50 pm two evenings ago, assuming the political calls stop at 8:00, my heart jumps into my throat, wondering who could be calling us so late. There must be something wrong, my head says. I put my knitting down, thinking I may have to answer it. We have our satellite hooked to our phone line, so the calling phone number appears on our TV. An 800 number appears at the top of the screen. I pick my knitting back up and continue on. Really? 9:50 at night????

Enough is enough. I've received my mail in ballot and will complete and get it into the mail tomorrow. Will the calls and commercials stop? Not until November 6th, I hope.
The weather is great here on the Western Slope of Colorado. High 60's low 70's. I can take this weather year round. I still have tomatoes growing in the garden, along with 4 kinds of peppers. I'm hoping to get one more good batch of tomatoes to make and can more Salsa. I have 13 jars in three different heat levels in the pantry from the earlier tomatoes. I canned 8 more jars of whole tomatoes today, which brings the canned tomato count up to 27 jars. My husband does the majority of the cooking in our home, and he assured me he'll use them up within a year.

Where ever your Saturday leads you, enjoy and smell the crisp, freshness of the fallen and falling beautiful colored Autumn leaves.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Please accept my apology!

I must admit, I have neglected my blog, I'm sorry about. I think I have a good reason. I have been working and have finally finished my book. It is now available in paperback and on Kindle.

How to Recognize and Overcome Victim Mentality

You may purchase it through or Createspace. Below are the links:

I am working on another book:  Abuse or Ignorance?

I'll keep you updated, but for now, be sure to check back for more blog fun!

Thanks for all your support!!
