When I hear somebody say that life is hard, I am always tempted to ask, “Compared to what?”
– Sydney J. Harris
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Please remember what Memorial Day is really about....
These heroes are dead. They died for liberty - they died for us. They are at rest. They sleep in the land they made free, under the flag they rendered stainless, under the solemn pines, the sad hemlocks, the tearful willows, and the embracing vines. They sleep beneath the shadows of the clouds, careless alike of sunshine or of storm, each in the windowless Place of Rest. Earth may run red with other wars - they are at peace. In the midst of battle, in the roar of conflict, they found the serenity of death. I have one sentiment for soldiers living and dead: cheers for the living; tears for the dead. ~Robert G. Ingersoll
Happy Memorial Day weekend. I hope you are enjoying this holiday weekend.
I worked at the Meadery on Saturday and were quite busy. Even though the winds were blowing between 50-60 miles an hour all day, and the valley looked like a giant brown colored, baby powder bottle was being shaken all day, our guests were having a great time. May were on bikes enjoying the wine route for bicyclists.
Here in the Grand Valley, we get occasional wind storms which stir up all the dust from the surrounding mountains. Saturday was the third day in a row this wind has been blowing. Enough is enough! I'm hoping Sunday will fair better.
Where ever this Memorial weekend leads you, please remember what this weekend is really about. We should all thank a veteran for giving us our freedom, and remember those who gave their lives so we can enjoy the freedoms we have.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Why is it that?????
Some of your best idea's appear in the shower? I told my husband tonight, I am going to get bathtub crayons to keep in the shower so when an idea pops into my head, I can write it on the shower wall.
Luckily, after exiting the shower, the idea that appeared as the hot water that was rinsing shampoo from my hair, was still in my mind. I was able to dry off, go into my office and write down all the thoughts and idea's for a new book.
I still think the tub crayons will be in my basket this weekend when I shop.
Any exciting plans for the long upcoming Memorial weekend? I'll be working at the winery on Saturday, then enjoying a couple of quiet days on Sunday and Monday. I know I'll be spending time in my vegetable garden. After work today, I was amazed when I saw my first tomato on one of my eleven tomato plants! There are also four jalapeno peppers on the plants.
Most of us still have Thursday and Friday to get though, if you do, make the best of the days. Thursday, the Meadery will be bottling, Peach Passion for St. Katheryn's and Peaches N' Honey for the Meadery. Bottling day's are always fun. If you're in Palisade, CO, stop by and watch.
Luckily, after exiting the shower, the idea that appeared as the hot water that was rinsing shampoo from my hair, was still in my mind. I was able to dry off, go into my office and write down all the thoughts and idea's for a new book.
I still think the tub crayons will be in my basket this weekend when I shop.
Any exciting plans for the long upcoming Memorial weekend? I'll be working at the winery on Saturday, then enjoying a couple of quiet days on Sunday and Monday. I know I'll be spending time in my vegetable garden. After work today, I was amazed when I saw my first tomato on one of my eleven tomato plants! There are also four jalapeno peppers on the plants.
Most of us still have Thursday and Friday to get though, if you do, make the best of the days. Thursday, the Meadery will be bottling, Peach Passion for St. Katheryn's and Peaches N' Honey for the Meadery. Bottling day's are always fun. If you're in Palisade, CO, stop by and watch.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Friday is almost here... are you making plans to come to....
the Palisade Colorado Writers group? I'm happy to update that we held our first writers group on Friday, May 11th, and our next one is quickly approaching.
We will be meeting at Palisade Library on 3rd Street on Friday, May 25th at 3:00 p.m. We have a great group and are open to new members.
After Friday, May 25th, we will be meeting the 2nd and 4th Friday's of the month, the time will be the same.
Every writer needs the insight of other writers. If you are free, please join us. If you would like more information, please e-mail me at donna@donnalively.com
Did you have a great Monday? I had the day off from the winery but I spent a portion of the morning at he dentist. I have neglected my dental health for far too long; 7 years since I had a check-up!
I only had 5 cavities! The next several weeks I will be sitting in a dental chair on my day's off.
Now that I'm settled into my new area in life, I will be sure to see my dentist every six months after these cavities and cleaning is taken care of.
To think that in my past life, I was a dental assistant! Yep, you heard me right, my junior and senior years of high school, I spent in vocational school learning how to be a dental assistant. I graduated with top scores and worked in the dental field until after the birth of my daughter. My husband at that time wanted me to be a stay-home mom and my dental profession ended.
After my dental appointment, I visited my dear friend Jane. She's had some medical problems since winter time and was thrilled to see that she's feeling better, not 100% yet, but she will not let this minor set back defeat her! We had a great visit, enjoying lunch outside at a wonderful restaurant called Spoons.
My hope is that everyone had an exceptional Monday and are experiencing an even better Tuesday!
Where ever you're Tuesday leads, enjoy, and remember when you smile, people wonder what you've been up to.
We will be meeting at Palisade Library on 3rd Street on Friday, May 25th at 3:00 p.m. We have a great group and are open to new members.
After Friday, May 25th, we will be meeting the 2nd and 4th Friday's of the month, the time will be the same.
Every writer needs the insight of other writers. If you are free, please join us. If you would like more information, please e-mail me at donna@donnalively.com
Did you have a great Monday? I had the day off from the winery but I spent a portion of the morning at he dentist. I have neglected my dental health for far too long; 7 years since I had a check-up!
I only had 5 cavities! The next several weeks I will be sitting in a dental chair on my day's off.
Now that I'm settled into my new area in life, I will be sure to see my dentist every six months after these cavities and cleaning is taken care of.
To think that in my past life, I was a dental assistant! Yep, you heard me right, my junior and senior years of high school, I spent in vocational school learning how to be a dental assistant. I graduated with top scores and worked in the dental field until after the birth of my daughter. My husband at that time wanted me to be a stay-home mom and my dental profession ended.
After my dental appointment, I visited my dear friend Jane. She's had some medical problems since winter time and was thrilled to see that she's feeling better, not 100% yet, but she will not let this minor set back defeat her! We had a great visit, enjoying lunch outside at a wonderful restaurant called Spoons.
My hope is that everyone had an exceptional Monday and are experiencing an even better Tuesday!
Where ever you're Tuesday leads, enjoy, and remember when you smile, people wonder what you've been up to.
writers group
Friday, May 18, 2012
A wonderful sight crossed my path
As I waited for Karen, the librarian at my local library to emerge from the washroom where she was having a coughing fit, I encountered what I consider hope.
Crossing my path, resting a clipboard on their left arms, holding a pencil with their little right fingers, busy writing, were six preschoolers who shared with me they were on a mission!
"What mission?" I curiously asked.
"A noun mission," the six bellowed at once.
Good-byes were exchanged and like duckings following their mother, they proceeded to the front door led by their teacher.
Karen explained that this group was from a nearby preschool and after completing their first mission which was to learn about nouns, (which Karen taught them,) their next mission was to visit the different establishments in our small downtown, and search for nouns.
As a avid reader since childhood, and writer, this brings me hope. Hope that more youngsters learn not only how to read and write properly, but enjoy it and pursue writing careers.
I could only wish the remainder of my Friday was as pleasant as my morning.
After arriving home, I decided to put a load of laundry into the washer, and just like that, the day's energy switched. The washer decided that it would fill itself, and stop and not follow through with it's commitment to clean my clothes.
My husband I soon left to run errands and on the way stopped and purchased a new washer. All good you would think, only it wasn't. After driving to three different stores in search of five skeins of yarn I need to knit a baby blanket, and having no luck, I came home and ordered it on line.
Silly me, decided to try the washer one last time before I would begin bailing the water out of the broken washer, and low and behold, it started! Thankful to be able to finish that load, I tried my luck at another one, and bingo, it's working again. After discussing the options, Brett and I decided to continue using this one until the new one arrives sometime next week, because we all know about Murphys' law!
I hope you had a wonderful Friday and where ever your Saturday takes you, go with the punches and find time to smile!
Crossing my path, resting a clipboard on their left arms, holding a pencil with their little right fingers, busy writing, were six preschoolers who shared with me they were on a mission!
"What mission?" I curiously asked.
"A noun mission," the six bellowed at once.
Good-byes were exchanged and like duckings following their mother, they proceeded to the front door led by their teacher.
Karen explained that this group was from a nearby preschool and after completing their first mission which was to learn about nouns, (which Karen taught them,) their next mission was to visit the different establishments in our small downtown, and search for nouns.
As a avid reader since childhood, and writer, this brings me hope. Hope that more youngsters learn not only how to read and write properly, but enjoy it and pursue writing careers.
I could only wish the remainder of my Friday was as pleasant as my morning.
After arriving home, I decided to put a load of laundry into the washer, and just like that, the day's energy switched. The washer decided that it would fill itself, and stop and not follow through with it's commitment to clean my clothes.
My husband I soon left to run errands and on the way stopped and purchased a new washer. All good you would think, only it wasn't. After driving to three different stores in search of five skeins of yarn I need to knit a baby blanket, and having no luck, I came home and ordered it on line.
Silly me, decided to try the washer one last time before I would begin bailing the water out of the broken washer, and low and behold, it started! Thankful to be able to finish that load, I tried my luck at another one, and bingo, it's working again. After discussing the options, Brett and I decided to continue using this one until the new one arrives sometime next week, because we all know about Murphys' law!
I hope you had a wonderful Friday and where ever your Saturday takes you, go with the punches and find time to smile!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” – Wayne Dyer
You are responsible for how you feel. You can blame external things if you want to, but it will never change how things are. It is only when you accept your own responsibility that you can take action.
Every human has great days, not so great days, bad day's and horrific days. I wish life was a fairy tale. Reality is that we all have day's that suck! It's how you respond to situations you personally consider bad which matters.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you should be feeling sad and depressed and you begin to laugh? Life is what you make it and how you deal with it.
Years ago, I learned to deal with uneasy occurrences in my life, like water off a duck back. Learn to take life not so seriously. No matter what happens today, the sun will rise tomorrow.
When you were a child, you should have learned responsibility. As adults we all have responsibility, and once we accept our own responsibility we can begin to take action to adjust or change where our lives are heading.
Although we all have responsibility in our lives, we should as the cliche says, stop and smell the roses!
The older I grow, the more I learn to live. I'm on the downhill side of life, and everyday should be positive, uplifting and fun. I've chosen to create my life to be just that!
Take a minute to reflect on your day and ask yourself: are you enjoying life and the individuals around you? If not, begin accepting responsibility and take action!
Where ever your Thursday is leading you, stop, smell the roses, and smile.
Every human has great days, not so great days, bad day's and horrific days. I wish life was a fairy tale. Reality is that we all have day's that suck! It's how you respond to situations you personally consider bad which matters.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you should be feeling sad and depressed and you begin to laugh? Life is what you make it and how you deal with it.
Years ago, I learned to deal with uneasy occurrences in my life, like water off a duck back. Learn to take life not so seriously. No matter what happens today, the sun will rise tomorrow.
When you were a child, you should have learned responsibility. As adults we all have responsibility, and once we accept our own responsibility we can begin to take action to adjust or change where our lives are heading.
Although we all have responsibility in our lives, we should as the cliche says, stop and smell the roses!
The older I grow, the more I learn to live. I'm on the downhill side of life, and everyday should be positive, uplifting and fun. I've chosen to create my life to be just that!
Take a minute to reflect on your day and ask yourself: are you enjoying life and the individuals around you? If not, begin accepting responsibility and take action!
Where ever your Thursday is leading you, stop, smell the roses, and smile.
wayne dyer
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Happy Tuesday
Did you get through Monday okay? I normally have Monday's off from the winery, today I clocked in at 6:50AM to get our Club Mead Membership wine orders sent out. It was a successful morning and I was able to clock out at 10:00 AM..
While watering my lavender plant near the front of my home this afternoon, I overheard my newer neighbor screaming and fighting with her adult disabled sibling. Since these people have moved in next door to me, this seems to be a "normal" way of living for these people.
As I bent down to quench my lavender's thirst, hearing her Baton Rouge accent, scream at her son, I had a revelation. Not only can you choose your relatives, you can not choose your neighbors!
I spoke softly to my beautiful lavender plant telling her to ignore the screaming she had to hear.
I met the "mother,/wife" for the first time a week ago. After a minute or two of hearing her speak, I realized she was a sandwich short of a picnic. I'm not talking down about her, I'm only telling you what I observed. At one point, she told me "I wasn't watching you, but after I watched you watering your garden (which wasn't planted yet), I'm doing what you did and I'm watering the ground where I am going to plant a tomato plant.
Really? But you just told me you were not watching me! Creepy!
I hope I'm not the only living being, in this vast world with a not my choice neighbor.
Have a great Tuesday, and where ever this day leads you, enjoy, smile and know that tomorrow is Wednesday!
While watering my lavender plant near the front of my home this afternoon, I overheard my newer neighbor screaming and fighting with her adult disabled sibling. Since these people have moved in next door to me, this seems to be a "normal" way of living for these people.
As I bent down to quench my lavender's thirst, hearing her Baton Rouge accent, scream at her son, I had a revelation. Not only can you choose your relatives, you can not choose your neighbors!
I spoke softly to my beautiful lavender plant telling her to ignore the screaming she had to hear.
I met the "mother,/wife" for the first time a week ago. After a minute or two of hearing her speak, I realized she was a sandwich short of a picnic. I'm not talking down about her, I'm only telling you what I observed. At one point, she told me "I wasn't watching you, but after I watched you watering your garden (which wasn't planted yet), I'm doing what you did and I'm watering the ground where I am going to plant a tomato plant.
Really? But you just told me you were not watching me! Creepy!
I hope I'm not the only living being, in this vast world with a not my choice neighbor.
Have a great Tuesday, and where ever this day leads you, enjoy, smile and know that tomorrow is Wednesday!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day.. Did you know?
Did you know that Mother's day has been observed on the second Sunday of May since 1914?
Happy Mother's Day! President Wilson proclaimed the day as "a public expression of love and reverence for the mothers of our country?"
Did you know that the carnation was chosen to be the traditional flower for Mother's Day because of it's sweetness, purity, and endurance?
I have two grown children and two step-sons. My son lives in Ohio, and daughter in Greeley, CO.
I wish we lived closer, but they are adults with lives and families of their own.
Plans for Mother's Day? I am scheduled to work at the winery from noon until close. My husband will prepare and cook me steak, baked potato and salad for me for my Mother's Day dinner.
Where ever and what ever you're Mother's Day Sunday leads you, enjoy!
Happy Mother's Day! President Wilson proclaimed the day as "a public expression of love and reverence for the mothers of our country?"
Did you know that the carnation was chosen to be the traditional flower for Mother's Day because of it's sweetness, purity, and endurance?
I have two grown children and two step-sons. My son lives in Ohio, and daughter in Greeley, CO.
I wish we lived closer, but they are adults with lives and families of their own.
Plans for Mother's Day? I am scheduled to work at the winery from noon until close. My husband will prepare and cook me steak, baked potato and salad for me for my Mother's Day dinner.
Where ever and what ever you're Mother's Day Sunday leads you, enjoy!
Friday, May 11, 2012
If you could travel back to an earlier....
happier moment in your past, where would you journey and why?
As the third daughter of six in my family, attention was a precious commodity. My sister and I enjoyed spending weekends at our grandparents. Darlene is a year and a half younger than me. We shared a bedroom, secrets and most everything. We also were competitive. Back then as we sat in the back seat of the family station wagon on our way to the grocery store, keeping our eyes peeled for what we called, Beetle bugs, otherwise known as aVolkswagen beetle, better known as the Volkswagen bug. Mom behind the steering wheel, Dar and I gawking out the side windows, heads swaying in unison as we each do our best to spot a bug before the other. "There's a blue one!" Darlene would yell laughing.
Every time the two of us were away from home, and even when we were home, we would search for those wonderful, cute, colorful bugs. Always trying to beat one another to spot one first, keeping score.
One weekend, Gram and Papa invited Darlene and I to spend the weekend at their home. Papa knew about our passion for beetle bugs and how we competed with one another to spot the most.
After saying our good-bye's to our mom, dad and siblings, Dar and I climb into the back seat of Gram and Papa's 1970, gold tone, Mercury Cougar. It wasn't long before we realized that we were not going directly to our grandparents home. Papa told us that we were going out to dinner, only Gram was puzzled where he was driving us. Darlene and I continued searching out and counting the bugs as we carried on. Nearly forty-five minute passed and Gram demanded to know where we were going.
At that moment, Papa turned a corner, told Darlene and I to look out the window and begin counting!
My sister and I whipped our heads to see what he was talking about, and were both shocked and amazed at what our blue eyes were seeing.
Papa had driven us to a Volkswagen Beetle car dealership. Gram and Papa smiled, as my closest sister and I laughed, counted and pointed. I don't believe either of us claimed a victory over the other that afternoon, but we sure did have fun! After parking in the dealership for ten or so minutes, Papa then took us for a lobster dinner.
Growing up in a large family, lobster dinner's never happened at home,and only few and far between at our grandparents.
We had the best weekend ever!
Where ever your Friday takes you, enjoy the journey, it may be one you look back at years from now and smile.

As the third daughter of six in my family, attention was a precious commodity. My sister and I enjoyed spending weekends at our grandparents. Darlene is a year and a half younger than me. We shared a bedroom, secrets and most everything. We also were competitive. Back then as we sat in the back seat of the family station wagon on our way to the grocery store, keeping our eyes peeled for what we called, Beetle bugs, otherwise known as aVolkswagen beetle, better known as the Volkswagen bug. Mom behind the steering wheel, Dar and I gawking out the side windows, heads swaying in unison as we each do our best to spot a bug before the other. "There's a blue one!" Darlene would yell laughing.
Every time the two of us were away from home, and even when we were home, we would search for those wonderful, cute, colorful bugs. Always trying to beat one another to spot one first, keeping score.
One weekend, Gram and Papa invited Darlene and I to spend the weekend at their home. Papa knew about our passion for beetle bugs and how we competed with one another to spot the most.
After saying our good-bye's to our mom, dad and siblings, Dar and I climb into the back seat of Gram and Papa's 1970, gold tone, Mercury Cougar. It wasn't long before we realized that we were not going directly to our grandparents home. Papa told us that we were going out to dinner, only Gram was puzzled where he was driving us. Darlene and I continued searching out and counting the bugs as we carried on. Nearly forty-five minute passed and Gram demanded to know where we were going.
At that moment, Papa turned a corner, told Darlene and I to look out the window and begin counting!
My sister and I whipped our heads to see what he was talking about, and were both shocked and amazed at what our blue eyes were seeing.
Papa had driven us to a Volkswagen Beetle car dealership. Gram and Papa smiled, as my closest sister and I laughed, counted and pointed. I don't believe either of us claimed a victory over the other that afternoon, but we sure did have fun! After parking in the dealership for ten or so minutes, Papa then took us for a lobster dinner.
We had the best weekend ever!
Where ever your Friday takes you, enjoy the journey, it may be one you look back at years from now and smile.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Who is your favorite .....?
I believe every person who reads has a favorite author or two or possibly even more.
I can honestly tell you that I have two. I won't put one above the other, but here are my favorite:
Debbie Macomber and Elizabeth Berg.
The first book I read from Elizabeth Berg which got me hooked like a fish on a worm was The Art of Mending, followed by The Year of Pleasures.
I copied and pasted from Elizabeth Bergs website what the Art of Mending is about: A woman's grown sister makes allegations about abuse she claims to have suffered at the hands of their mother when they were growing up. The book is about the way that everyone in a family has a different experience of it. The narrator must decide if what her sister is saying is true, and what her obligations now are-to her family of origin as well as to the family she has with her husband.
This book touched the core of me. If you haven't had the chance to read it, I highly recommend it!
The book, The Year of Pleasures is about: When Betta Nolan's husband, John, dies, she honors a promise she made to him to sell their house, drive across the country until she finds a town she likes, and move there. This is a novel about starting life over, and purposely enriching that life with the many pleasures, especially the small and free ones, that are always available to us. It also challenges the notion that a widow must or should behave in a certain way; and it shows how love does not die, but rather changes form.
I have read everyone of her books, and I recommend each one!
I began reading Debbie Macombers' books by chance. I lucky chance for me! Back in 2004-05, I was living in Ohio and traveling weekly for the company I was employed with. I would read a couple of books a week; sitting on the plane and in the evening. When I was home on weekends, I would make a trip to Barnes and Nobel every Saturday searching for a couple more books by Elizabeth Berg. Soon, I had read every book this bookstore had to offer by Berg. I made my way up to the help desk to inquire about a similar author. That's when I feel I hit the lottery! Another woman heard my conversation with the employee as I inquired about another author, and spoke up to enlightened me about Debbie Macomber. She assured me any book I would choose, I would be happy with. After thanking her, I traveled over where Macomber's books were, read a couple of the covers and purchased, The Shop on Blossom Street, and A Good Yarn.
I have copied from Debbie Macombers website what The Shop on Blossom Street is about:
There's a little yarn shop on Blossom Street in Seattle. It's owned by Lydia Hoffman, and it rrepresents her dream of a new life free from cancer. A life that offers a chance at love...
Lydia teaches knitting to beginners, and the first class is "How To Make a Baby Blanket." Three women join. Jacqueline Donovan wants to knit something for her grandchild as a gesture of reconciliation with her daughter-in-law. Carol Girard feels that the baby blanket is a message of hope as she makes a final attempt to conceive. And Alix Townsend is knitting her blanket for a court-ordered community service project.
These four very different women, brought together by an age-old craft, make unexpected discoveries --- about themselves and each other. Discoveries that lead to friendship and more...
A Good Yarn is about: Lydia Hoffman owns the shop on Blossom Street. In the year since it opened, A Good Yarn has thrived -- and so has Lydia. A lot of that is due to Brad Goetz. But when Brad's ex-wife reappears, Lydia is suddenly afraid to trust her newfound happiness.
Three women join Lydia's newest class. Elise Beaumont, retired and bitterly divorced, learns that her onetime husband is reentering her life. Bethanne Hamlin is facing the fallout from a much more recent divorce. And Courtney Pulanski is a depressed and overweight teenager, whose grandmother's idea of helping her is to drag her to seniors' swim sessions -- and to the knitting class at A Good Yarn.
After arriving home the following Friday evening from my week on the road, I was hooked. To date, I have read most everyone of her books. I am currently reading 1105 Yakima Street. In the past, I read the others from this series.
Times have changed since 04 & 05, I no longer am employed with the company I was, I moved from Ohio to Colorado, am re-married and when I'm not working at the winery, in my garden, or daily chores, I am doing the one thing I've always loved doing, as much as reading, that is writing. I have recently organized and am beginning this Friday, May 11th, the first meeting for a writers group, here in Palisade, CO. If you live in the area, and are interested, please join us. Our gathering will be held at the Palisade, CO library on 3rd Ave, at 3:00 pm.
Where ever your Thursday leads you, I hope you find time to read a chapter from one of your favorite authors.
I can honestly tell you that I have two. I won't put one above the other, but here are my favorite:
Debbie Macomber and Elizabeth Berg.
The first book I read from Elizabeth Berg which got me hooked like a fish on a worm was The Art of Mending, followed by The Year of Pleasures.
I copied and pasted from Elizabeth Bergs website what the Art of Mending is about: A woman's grown sister makes allegations about abuse she claims to have suffered at the hands of their mother when they were growing up. The book is about the way that everyone in a family has a different experience of it. The narrator must decide if what her sister is saying is true, and what her obligations now are-to her family of origin as well as to the family she has with her husband.
This book touched the core of me. If you haven't had the chance to read it, I highly recommend it!
The book, The Year of Pleasures is about: When Betta Nolan's husband, John, dies, she honors a promise she made to him to sell their house, drive across the country until she finds a town she likes, and move there. This is a novel about starting life over, and purposely enriching that life with the many pleasures, especially the small and free ones, that are always available to us. It also challenges the notion that a widow must or should behave in a certain way; and it shows how love does not die, but rather changes form.
I have read everyone of her books, and I recommend each one!
I began reading Debbie Macombers' books by chance. I lucky chance for me! Back in 2004-05, I was living in Ohio and traveling weekly for the company I was employed with. I would read a couple of books a week; sitting on the plane and in the evening. When I was home on weekends, I would make a trip to Barnes and Nobel every Saturday searching for a couple more books by Elizabeth Berg. Soon, I had read every book this bookstore had to offer by Berg. I made my way up to the help desk to inquire about a similar author. That's when I feel I hit the lottery! Another woman heard my conversation with the employee as I inquired about another author, and spoke up to enlightened me about Debbie Macomber. She assured me any book I would choose, I would be happy with. After thanking her, I traveled over where Macomber's books were, read a couple of the covers and purchased, The Shop on Blossom Street, and A Good Yarn.
I have copied from Debbie Macombers website what The Shop on Blossom Street is about:
There's a little yarn shop on Blossom Street in Seattle. It's owned by Lydia Hoffman, and it rrepresents her dream of a new life free from cancer. A life that offers a chance at love...
Lydia teaches knitting to beginners, and the first class is "How To Make a Baby Blanket." Three women join. Jacqueline Donovan wants to knit something for her grandchild as a gesture of reconciliation with her daughter-in-law. Carol Girard feels that the baby blanket is a message of hope as she makes a final attempt to conceive. And Alix Townsend is knitting her blanket for a court-ordered community service project.
These four very different women, brought together by an age-old craft, make unexpected discoveries --- about themselves and each other. Discoveries that lead to friendship and more...
A Good Yarn is about: Lydia Hoffman owns the shop on Blossom Street. In the year since it opened, A Good Yarn has thrived -- and so has Lydia. A lot of that is due to Brad Goetz. But when Brad's ex-wife reappears, Lydia is suddenly afraid to trust her newfound happiness.
Three women join Lydia's newest class. Elise Beaumont, retired and bitterly divorced, learns that her onetime husband is reentering her life. Bethanne Hamlin is facing the fallout from a much more recent divorce. And Courtney Pulanski is a depressed and overweight teenager, whose grandmother's idea of helping her is to drag her to seniors' swim sessions -- and to the knitting class at A Good Yarn.
After arriving home the following Friday evening from my week on the road, I was hooked. To date, I have read most everyone of her books. I am currently reading 1105 Yakima Street. In the past, I read the others from this series.
Times have changed since 04 & 05, I no longer am employed with the company I was, I moved from Ohio to Colorado, am re-married and when I'm not working at the winery, in my garden, or daily chores, I am doing the one thing I've always loved doing, as much as reading, that is writing. I have recently organized and am beginning this Friday, May 11th, the first meeting for a writers group, here in Palisade, CO. If you live in the area, and are interested, please join us. Our gathering will be held at the Palisade, CO library on 3rd Ave, at 3:00 pm.
Where ever your Thursday leads you, I hope you find time to read a chapter from one of your favorite authors.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Hummingbirds in Western Colorado
When most people think of Colorado, they think about Big horn sheep or deer. In my backyard here in Palisade Colorado, you will see hummingbirds like the one above.
This past weekend, I cleaned and prepared my hummingbird feeder after I witnessed activity for these tiny creatures.
For the last two years since I moved to the Western slope of Colorado, each spring, this beautiful, tiny winged creature builds a nest outside my neighbors bedroom window on the pole of the awning.
Once I mixed the sweet nectar and filled the hummingbird feeder, it wasn't long before the specular tiny winged birds found their way to the feeder.
Simple pleasures, that is what I enjoy. We all are guilty of creating chaos in our lives. Whether it concern our families, workplace, our health, or numerous other affairs.
Imagine your life, stress free, non-strenuous, and simple. At times, I believe we are all guilty of creating drama in our lives which don't need to be. As you hurry around today, take a moment and enjoy a simple pleasure.
What ever drama you draw unconsciously into your inner world today, recognize it and release it to the universe, then smile.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
My Gift to you......
Happy Tuesday!
I have attached Chapter one from my self-help book, How to Recognize and Overcome Victim Mentality, for you to read and enjoy.
If you are interested in purchasing the entire book, it is available on amazon.com in a kindle version.
To download the file, click on the Download button above or copy and paste this URL into your browser:
I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday.
Where ever your path leads you today, make the best of it.
I have attached Chapter one from my self-help book, How to Recognize and Overcome Victim Mentality, for you to read and enjoy.
If you are interested in purchasing the entire book, it is available on amazon.com in a kindle version.
To download the file, click on the Download button above or copy and paste this URL into your browser:
I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday.
Where ever your path leads you today, make the best of it.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Beautiful Yellow Japanese Roses... Take a peek
How was every one's Sunday? Mine was quite busy as I worked at the Meadery and was very busy.
Made for a steadfast day!
I told you about a week ago about my Japanese roses, and above are two pictures of some of the bloomed roses.
They display a beautiful deep yellow color. There are many rose buds awaiting to open. Last year, there were only three roses on the plants. I believe cutting them down to the ground two autumns ago helped to produce a bountiful array of roses this season. From what I read, they can re bloom in the fall once again. I hope they do.
The aroma that meets me as I open the car door as I arrive home from work is breath taking!
I know they will only remain beautiful for maybe another week or two, and I will admire them until the yellow, wonderful scent disappears.
Isn't that like many things in life? Learn to take pleasure in what you have in moment.
I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful day.
Where ever your Monday leads you, take a moment and take pleasure in what ever beautiful sights you are able to.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Thank you to everyone who...
I want to thank everyone who walked for Multiple Sclerosis today.
Above are a couple pictures from my walk this morning for the cause. I was able to walk 1/2 of a mile, before I had trouble walking back to the starting point.
It was a beautiful day, a little hot when you suffer from MS and are walking!
I met up with the director of the society here on the Western Slope of Colorado, and will speak with her again next week. She is going to link me up with a neurologist here in this area since I have not
seen a neurologist in over six years, since I do not have health insurance.
Thank you for everyone for donating to to such a wonderful cause.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Happy Friday
Friday is here! Depending when you are reading this blog, I hope your Friday was wonderful or you're having a great one.
As I write this Thursday evening, my plans for Friday will be shopping for all my garden needs. My hope is that I get this chore finished early enough to come home and begin preparing the ground for the new plants I'm planning on purchasing. Wish me luck!
What are your plans for the weekend of May?
Saturday, I'll be walking for Multiple Sclerosis. It's not too late to donate. Click on this link and it will take you directly to my personal Multiple Sclerosis donate page via the MS society. Any amount will help the cause and hopefully bring a cure for us suffering with this debilitating disease. Thank you in advance.
I personally have been living with the diagnosis of this disease since May of 1993. I began showing symptoms soon after the birth of my son September 1986.
I have had my ups and downs throughout the last twenty-five years, but as I grow older, the down times are happening closer together. I don't know what the future will unfold for me concerning this disease, but I know that I will continue moving forward and remaining positive.
Where ever your Friday leads you, enjoy the ride!
As I write this Thursday evening, my plans for Friday will be shopping for all my garden needs. My hope is that I get this chore finished early enough to come home and begin preparing the ground for the new plants I'm planning on purchasing. Wish me luck!
What are your plans for the weekend of May?
Saturday, I'll be walking for Multiple Sclerosis. It's not too late to donate. Click on this link and it will take you directly to my personal Multiple Sclerosis donate page via the MS society. Any amount will help the cause and hopefully bring a cure for us suffering with this debilitating disease. Thank you in advance.
I personally have been living with the diagnosis of this disease since May of 1993. I began showing symptoms soon after the birth of my son September 1986.
I have had my ups and downs throughout the last twenty-five years, but as I grow older, the down times are happening closer together. I don't know what the future will unfold for me concerning this disease, but I know that I will continue moving forward and remaining positive.
Where ever your Friday leads you, enjoy the ride!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Do you Know an Energy Vampire?
Do you feel exhausted after being with certain people? They may be energy vampires, draining your spirit and soul. Energy vampires drain your spirit and soul by depleting your positive energy. Energy vampires, such as drama queens, leave you feeling drained and listless
After a visit with an energy vampire, you barely have enough energy to walk across the room, much less pursue your goals or take care of your life. The energy vampire's negative influences consume your positive energy.
Most people only notice that they have been in the presence of an energy vampire when that person has gone and they find themselves depleted of energy and lacking the will to live, as though all their enthusiasm, excitement and joy of life had been quite literally "sucked out of them".
Some people you come across bring light and happiness and you feel wonderful being around them. But when you are around "dark" energy individuals you also can "feel" it.
Working in customer service, I meet and am around many different kinds of energy. I am able to know immediately which category a customer falls into the instant they walk into the wine tasting room. Are they a positive person, or a negative, energy vampire? If they fall into the energy vampire category, I immediately surround myself mentally, with white purifying light. I'll smile as I mentally am aware of what kind of personality I am dealing with.
You can't make them happy,because they don't know what even makes them happy. Since I work in the public and usually I working alone, I can't just walk away from an energy vampire.
If you are in a situation where you can walk away, do just that!. Many of us find this really hard to do. We're afraid of being thought of as impolite; we don't want to offend people. If you must stay around an energy vampire, breath! I mean it, take a deep breath and as you release the breath, release the negative energy the vampire is surrounding you with.
One thing to remember: No matter how hard your life is, there is someone else in this world who has it much worst than you!
Be happy with yourself first and foremost! If you are not happy with yourself, you won't be able to be happy anything or anyone!
Today, take note of the kinds of people who are in your personal energy field. Are they happy and positive, or negative, energy vampires?
Where ever your path leads you today, shield yourself from negativity and energy vampires and surround yourself with positive, happy, lively individuals.
After a visit with an energy vampire, you barely have enough energy to walk across the room, much less pursue your goals or take care of your life. The energy vampire's negative influences consume your positive energy.
Most people only notice that they have been in the presence of an energy vampire when that person has gone and they find themselves depleted of energy and lacking the will to live, as though all their enthusiasm, excitement and joy of life had been quite literally "sucked out of them".
Some people you come across bring light and happiness and you feel wonderful being around them. But when you are around "dark" energy individuals you also can "feel" it.
Working in customer service, I meet and am around many different kinds of energy. I am able to know immediately which category a customer falls into the instant they walk into the wine tasting room. Are they a positive person, or a negative, energy vampire? If they fall into the energy vampire category, I immediately surround myself mentally, with white purifying light. I'll smile as I mentally am aware of what kind of personality I am dealing with.
You can't make them happy,because they don't know what even makes them happy. Since I work in the public and usually I working alone, I can't just walk away from an energy vampire.
If you are in a situation where you can walk away, do just that!. Many of us find this really hard to do. We're afraid of being thought of as impolite; we don't want to offend people. If you must stay around an energy vampire, breath! I mean it, take a deep breath and as you release the breath, release the negative energy the vampire is surrounding you with.
One thing to remember: No matter how hard your life is, there is someone else in this world who has it much worst than you!
Be happy with yourself first and foremost! If you are not happy with yourself, you won't be able to be happy anything or anyone!
Today, take note of the kinds of people who are in your personal energy field. Are they happy and positive, or negative, energy vampires?
Where ever your path leads you today, shield yourself from negativity and energy vampires and surround yourself with positive, happy, lively individuals.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Do you believe?????
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts? I must admit that I don't believe, I know they are factual. I was introduced to the spiritual world of ghosts when I was young. My mother and her step-father (Papa) would read everything printed at the time by "the sleeping prophet," Edgar Cayce, like-minded mystic Ruth Montgomery, and one of the best-known American astrologers and psychics of the 20th century. Jeane Dixon. As a teenager, I believed everyone knew about and experienced spirits and ghosts.
The older I became, the more I came to realize that not everyone has witnessed the paranormal.
I recall in the late 60's my mother was washing dishes and when she looked into the dining room, she saw her deceased father standing on the stairs which led up to three bedrooms and a bathroom. Grandpa had passed weeks earlier. I have many stories of paranormal happenings since then. I am in the process of documenting all my personal memories to use in a book in the future.
What thoughts from the past can you construct into a short story or book?
Ideas are all around, take five minutes out of your busy day to quiet your mind and let the ideas flood in. Be sure you have a pad and pencil next to you to write them down before they disappear once again.
Wednesday is upon us. Any fun activities planned for hump day? I work at the winery, where preparations are underway to bottle a couple of wines on Thursday. One will be Viognier, and I'm not quite sure of the other.
Where ever your Hump day takes you, enjoy and quite your mind.
The older I became, the more I came to realize that not everyone has witnessed the paranormal.
I recall in the late 60's my mother was washing dishes and when she looked into the dining room, she saw her deceased father standing on the stairs which led up to three bedrooms and a bathroom. Grandpa had passed weeks earlier. I have many stories of paranormal happenings since then. I am in the process of documenting all my personal memories to use in a book in the future.
What thoughts from the past can you construct into a short story or book?
Ideas are all around, take five minutes out of your busy day to quiet your mind and let the ideas flood in. Be sure you have a pad and pencil next to you to write them down before they disappear once again.
Wednesday is upon us. Any fun activities planned for hump day? I work at the winery, where preparations are underway to bottle a couple of wines on Thursday. One will be Viognier, and I'm not quite sure of the other.
Where ever your Hump day takes you, enjoy and quite your mind.
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