Saturday, April 28, 2012

Choose to be Happy!

Life is about choices. Everyone of us have to make several choices each and every day.  Do you choose to be happy? The only source of happiness and unhappiness come from inside yourself.
Happiness is not something that comes to you, it is something you create. Waiting for something or someone to change in order to be happy is actually waiting to live your life. Life throws us many curve balls, it's how you react that counts, not what happens to you.
Its all in your attitude. When you adopt a positive attitude, life becomes easier.
Happiness is in your own hands. Think in a positive way. When you encounter what you consider a problem, do your very best to look for all the good points. I know myself, when an issue arises which I wasn't expecting, during this time we can't see the forest through the trees. Once the issue passes, and we remove our emotions from it, more times than not, the reasons become clear. Everything has at least one good point. Even sickness has its positive side. I know for myself, after I as diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis over nineteen years ago, my life as I had known it now looked dismal and scary. Once I chose to be positive about this situation I now found myself in, my life took a turn for the better. Yes, I still suffer with this debilitating disease on a daily basis, but it's how I deal with it. I take control of my daily situation with it, I do not let it take control over me.
Positive thinking is not enough on its own, however. We also need to fix the problem or prevent it from happening again. In my situation with this disease, I listen to my body and rest when it tells me to, I do my best to live a stress free, happy, upbeat life. Yes, I still have my issues with it, but I always remain positive.
We can turn suffering into non-suffering. We can even turn it into happiness. Whether we suffer or not depends solely upon us. It doesn't depend on what happens to us.
Everyone wants to nothing but good. But things will be even better if we can train ourselves to be more patient and to think in a positive way. If we can do that, then we'll have a definite guarantee that regardless of what we encounter, we won't suffer as much or as easily as we did before.

Enjoy your day, and find happiness!

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